Residential & Commercial

Painting Services

Serving the Central Florida area for over 30 years, John Locke Painting offers interior painting, exterior painting, and pressure washing services to commercial, industrial, and residential customers. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to refresh a room, a property manager needing a qualified contractor to pressure wash your building, or a business seeking industrial painting services, we have the expertise to meet your needs. Click on your customer segment below to discover how John Locke Painting can provide tailored solutions just for you.

From the moment John began his painting business, he has strived to elevate the industry by delivering not only a high-quality product but also an exceptional customer service experience. Over the years, the John Locke team has developed a seamless and efficient process. Whether it’s a residential, commercial, or industrial painting job, every customer benefits from the same outstanding JLP service. With a skilled team, including knowledgeable office staff, on-site Estimators, a dedicated Project Manager, Site Foreman, and Quality Control Manager, every project is managed with meticulous care and an unmatched level of professionalism.

Painting Services for:

Commercial & Industrial Properties

Painting Services

Get the best for your business. You have customers. You have employees. And you need painting and pressure washing completed with minimal disruption to your workplace. John Locke Painting understands your needs and we’re here to help. Our exterior and interior commercial painting services can be completed at your convenience.

Commercial & Industrial Properties


Get the best paint job for your home. Residential homeowners in the Central Florida area have been turning to John Locke Painting for their interior and exterior painting needs for over 20 years. From our cutting-edge products to our highly specialized painters, the results will surpass your expectations.

Commercial & Industrial Properties


Get the best for your HOA. Homeowner Associations have an important task of maintaining and beautifying their neighborhood while making cost-effective decisions. John Locke Painting will make your job easy, with our painting and pressure washing services.

Commercial & Industrial Properties

Property Managers

Get the best for your managed property. For over 20 years, Property Management companies throughout Florida have relied on John Locke Painting to fulfill their apartment turn-over painting needs. If you need a cost-effective product delivered on-time, then look no further.

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John Locke